Hey again my friend!
I'm a dad, and my kids are now adults. And yet, I'm a Bluey fan. Like, for real life.
I'd heard of it, but it wasn't until my colleague Josh called Bluey "the Ted Lasso of children's programming" that I took the bait. And I'm glad I did.
One of my favorite lessons is from Bluey and Bingo's mom, Chilli. Bingo was having a hard day, (we all have them) and mom gave her and Bluey this checklist when you're having one of those days:
Have a little cry...
Pick yourself up...
Dust yourself off...
And keep going! The show must go on!
And I just love that. Whether it's a rough day at work, at home, or just for no-good-reason, it's okay not to be okay. This children's cartoon reminded me of that. And isn't it great how they're teaching kids how to take care of themselves while striving for resilience? π Thanks, mum.
Now for a special note on this newsletter. We're taking a break in July. Impulse Insights will return in August with a special guest editor!
Ready for the good stuff? On with the show!