How do I create a final exam for my course?

Each course has a final exam that leads to a certificate when the final exam is successfully passed.

How to create a final exam.
1. Go to the course landing page or website page.

  1. Click on “edit” course.
    3. Underneath “contents” scroll down to “course” underneath the static module.
    4. Enable the “Final Exam” for the course. 
5. Open “Final Exam” dropdown.
6. Add a question to your final exam

Each question can have 2 or more or answers with a correct answer being identified underneath the answer.

True or False questions can be set up by using two answers as True and False with one being correct.

The passing score can be defined by setting the “minimum score” The minimum score that a user can get to receive certification. If a user does not meet the minimum score they will be given the option to retake the final exam.