Private App Access Token Refresh - Is it needed?

You Got an email: Reminder: Rotate your private app access token every 6 months

For more information on private apps from HubSpot, click this link

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Why do I have a Private app in the first place?

After Impulse Creative installs one of our products (HubLMS, RocketPRM, Cohortium) you will have a "Private App" installed into your HubSpot Portal.

The Private app allows for the functions within our products to interact with the CRM in your HubSpot portal to enable background functionality to happen for your users.

Why is HubSpot recommending I rotate the access token every 6 months?

Out of an abundance of caution HubSpot recommends rotating the app to keep your information secure. They are not sending this message because they've identified that the private app token is compromised.

Do I need to rotate the access token if the only way it's being used is with Impulse Creative Products?

In Short, NO. 

Unless you are aware that the private app token has been shared or someone has access to it is not necessary to rotate it unless your company has policies that require it.

What happens if I followed HubSpot's advice to rotate the Private App Token and now things are broken?

Know that all functionality for the products will cease if the Private App token is rotated without updating the associated code in the products. This will cause your users to run into significant errors such as not being able to register leads (if RocketPRM), or not being able to update/start courses (if HubLMS).

If the private app is relating to Impulse Creative Products that have been installed it will require us get access to your portal as Super Admins and then do the steps below. This can usually be completed within 1-3 business days and will cost $200 to update.

Can Impulse Creative Rotate my Private App Token for the Products?

Yes, for $200 the Impulse Creative team can review the logs, and update the token as it pertains to our Products. Please keep in mind that an Impulse Creative developer will require Super Admin access to your HubSpot portal to make the necessary updates.

If the token is being used for any reason outside of the scope of our products the fee to review and update will be greater and will require being scoped by our sales team.

What If I'm not sure what the private apps are connected to? IE: Impulse Creative didn't set them up.

We can still help. Reach out on our website and let us know that you need help and we can assist with the next steps for you and provide an estimate.