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  2. HubLMS Pro
  3. Customer Support Documentation

What do you need to get start using HubLMS PRO?

These instructions and items will serve as the building block for building your course on HubLMS PRO.

Locate the theme

1. Go to website/landing pages in Hubspot

2. Click on "create new page"
3. Next to "Theme" click on the dropdown and "Change theme"
4. Search HubLMS PRO v1

5. Set as active theme


You'll create the course using the "LMS Course Details" template.

Along with your course page you'll build two pages both using "blank templates"

  • Registration Page
  • Successful Exam Page (Only needed if you have a quiz)

Create two forms:
  • Course quiz page (use email as a placeholder not required)
  • Registration form (This will be used before people enter your course as a signup)

From here you can sign up for the self guided course that will help you through other questions you might have.
