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HubLMS - How to Troubleshoot Your Quiz

If you're having problems with your HubLMS quiz module, take these steps first.

With HubLMS you can quiz your learners. But sometimes creators run into an issue. 

If you're having an issue seeing your quiz or getting it to work, here are steps to take immediately.

Here's a quick video with tips:

There's a couple ways that the HubLMS quiz can run into issues when someone takes the quiz. That's typically one of 4 simple reasons.

  1. The user is not cookied: This is because of a cookie or ad-blocker that is preventing the user from setting a cookie (which prevents the quiz from registering to a specific user)
  2. The quiz fields are not setup correctly. You'll want to make sure to create a HubSpot property and ensure that you use the internal name to have the information saved to
  3. The quiz form does not have the correct fields. The hublms_course field and the two additional fields that you setup need to be hidden fields in the form
  4. The form is not enabled correctly: Make sure that the "style & preview" tab of the form is checked for "show raw html" 
  5. You have special characters in your quiz question. Your quiz must not include special characters like the @ symbol or quotation marks. 

Still need help? Here are a few troubleshooting tips with more details.

Troubleshooting Tip 1: Publish Your Course

First, ensure that you have published the course. Quizzes do not show up in preview mode.

Note: Publishing it doesn't mean anyone sees it (don't promote it), but you can hit publish then test the course quizzes.

Troubleshooting Tip 2: Disable Blockers, Enable Cookies

Next, make sure ad blockers are off and you've enabled cookies. HubLMS uses cookie tracking and the HubSpot CRM and list IDs to make sure that everything is happening the way that it should happen around your quiz.

Troubleshooting Tip 3: Quiz Set-Up

Third, let's look at your HubLMS set-up.

When setting up your course, make sure "enable quiz" is checked. 


Then scroll and delete the Quiz Permission List ID.


When testing your HubLMS quiz, you don't want it to be locked. Removing the list ID will open it up for anyone coming to the course.

Note: When launching your course, be sure you include the list ID that you'll get from the HubSpot list tool and re-insert it so the people you want to have access to the quiz have access.

The next part of testing comes down to actually creating your course name, field and course score field.

Create these fields in Settings > Data Management/Properties. Here you're create a property each for name, then score, as single line text property types.

Course Title Name

Course Title Score

Once you have these created, you will go back into the edit property pane and grab the Internal Name (copy to your clipboard) for the quiz.

Note: The internal name includes the underscores.


Once you've copied that internal name, paste it in the corresponding field (Course Name or Course Score) in your course editor.


Next is setting up the form that corresponds to your quiz.

By default, you'll see Course Test Form. You will replace that form with a quiz form you create in your HubSpot Forms tool with the title of your course.

This form will only include Email as a field. 

Make sure you also set the form as a raw HTML form in the Style section of your form editor, because we don't want it using HubSpot's iFrame.


Next, go back to your course and choose this form you just created in the form chooser where you're editing your quiz.

Troubleshooting Tip 4: Quiz Questions and Answers

The next troubleshooting tip focuses on adding quiz questions and answers.

Currently, there's only one quiz that happens at the end of your lessons. You can have a question per lesson, but it compiles to a quiz at the end.

If you do want to have a quiz after each lesson, you can use the quiz module on specific landing pages, and then use the resource link at the bottom of the lesson where your learners can take that quiz.

How can quiz questions break your HubLMS quiz?

The biggest issue is having multiple "right" answers. The HubLMS quiz tool is set up to only have one true, correct answer. 

This means you cannot have a question with the instruction "choose all that are true." Because if there's more than one true answer, it will break the quiz.

Troubleshooting Tip 5: Form Submissions

If you're still seeing an issue with your quiz, check the form submissions in the form you've chosen for the quiz.

If you do not see form submissions then there is an issue with the fields you have in your form.