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25 Words to Avoid to Stay Out of The SPAM Filter

Written by Remington Begg | October 23, 2015 at 12:30 PM

Filtering SPAM out of inboxes is one of those things that most people agree are great for the consumer, but certainly make marketers’ jobs more difficult. After all, writing the subject lines for your emails can be one of the most stressful steps of email marketing. Is it long enough? Too long? Is it engaging? Will people click 'delete' before they even open it or give it a chance? But one of the most concerning questions is whether or not it will even get to them or if it will it trigger SPAM filters. SPAM filters have become much more sophisticated than in the dawn of the internet, and it seems like every year adds new challenges.

Your email may trigger SPAM filters for a variety of reasons, causing your carefully crafted message to skip recipients' inboxes altogether and land straight in their SPAM box- never to be seen. Essentially, the recipient's ISP uses an algorithm to decide whether the emails coming in are legitimate or suspicious and remove those deemed too shady before anyone sees it. One of easiest and most reliable ways to avoid this is by carefully choosing the words you use in your email's subject line. So-called “trigger words” are known to cause problems and increase the chances of your email getting caught in a SPAM trap. By avoiding these words or words like them in your email subject lines, you can dramatically increase your chances of getting beyond SPAM filters and getting seen by the right viewers.

Stay away from these at all costs:

  1. Clearance
  2. Buy
  3. Opportunity
  4. $$$
  5. Cash
  6. Free
  7. Discount
  8. No Fees
  9. No Hidden Costs
  10. Pre-Approved
  11. Click Here
  12. 100% Satisfied
  13. Guarantee
  14. Trial
  15. You’re a Winner!
  16. Sign up Today
  17. Act Now
  18. Apply Today
  19. Don’t Delete
  20. Once in a Lifetime
  21. Offer Expires
  22. Urgent
  23. Cheap
  24. Why Pay More?
  25. Passwords

Keep in mind that some of these phrases are appropriate to create a sense of urgency within your email, just not for the subject line. It is an email campaign hoping to turn Leads to customers, afterall. You just want to be friendly and intriguing, not pushy. To be on the safe side, it’s best to avoid any type of financial verbiage in your subject line. “Sale sale sale!” won’t get you any clicks, even if it does make it past the SPAM filters. Inbound marketing involves creating remarkable content that people actually want to see, not just keywords to gain ranking on Google. We have several blogs dedicated to just this fact. This same message applies to your email campaigns and subject lines.

If you’re creating your headlines in the correct way and staying out of the SPAM filter, you’re already at the first step to being seen by your Leads. Impulse Creative offers a free tool kit as your guide to everything you need to launch and measure a remarkable email campaign. Download The Marketing Tool Kit now and start planning a successful campaign strategy today.