1. Landing page conversion rates
Some say this is the most important metric to watch. This metric is defined as lead conversion, or the number of visitors that come to your site who convert into contacts by filling out a form on a landing page. These conversion rates determine how many leads you are able to generate through your marketing efforts. If you use HubSpot like we do, you can easily view the traffic that is coming to your landing pages and the conversion rate of those pages, as well as if the leads from those pages turn into customers. This metric will help you decide which offers to use when marketing through other channels.
2. CTA click-through rates
In inbound marketing, we always want our visitors to take the next step. Normally that next step is clicking a CTA. To accurately measure how your CTA is performing, you should check your CTA click-through rates, or the percentage of people who clicked on the CTA. Track the performance of your CTAs and see which ones are gaining the best traction. If you notice one isn't doing well, you can perform an A/B test and change the language or the placement and see if that helps.
3. Social media reach
Understanding social media ROI and its implications on your marketing campaigns is imperative. Using HubSpot to track this is the best option because social inbox will make it easy for you. There are several ways to use the social inbox tool and one of these is monitoring your social reach. One of your business goals may be increasing your social media reach. Having a large social following is valuable because when you publish content pieces and blog posts you can reach a large relevant audience who can read, share, and benefit from your information. You can look at your social reach growth over time and analyze what you might have done differently from one week to the next, to find out the progress you're making and where you can improve.
4. E-mail click-through rates
There are many metrics that go along with email marketing. The one that you should pay attention to weekly is the amount of people who clicked through your email and took the next step; this could be to click on a link or a CTA. In HubSpot, this metric is identified as your email click-through rate. This is a valuable metric because you'll begin to understand which email lists are engaged and with which types of content. From there, you can examine your email marketing language, the use of CTAs, and break down preferences for each of your email lists.
5. Blog post views
Blog post views are a basic way to tell if you're on the right track with delivering appropriate content for your website visitors. If the number of views are high chances are you picked a good topic that the audience enjoyed. HubSpot goes deeper into this with its page performance tool. There you can see how many views a specific post got, how your blog views look over time, and how posts have performed compared to each other. You can also see if there are any SEO issues on the page, what percentage the CTA is converting at, how many keywords it has, and how many links it has. Use this to plan for your future blog posts.
Metrics can be time-consuming and overwhelming, but that's why HubSpot offers simple, comprehensive tools to help you out. Now you know which 5 informative metrics you should be monitoring each week to keep your marketing campaigns performing at their highest efficiencies. Keeping track of them will help you progress as a marketer and offer the best possible ROI for your business and your clients.