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5 Ways to Nurture Real Estate Leads with Email Marketing

Written by Remington Begg | October 26, 2016 at 1:00 PM

Real estate agents know it can take months for a buyer to find their dream home. In vacation destination like southwest Florida, it may even take buyers a year or two to find a place to spend the winters. In order to nurture such leads over a long period of time, it’s important for real estate agents to incorporate effective email marketing. We compiled 5 of the most effective ways to nurture leads with email marketing.

Create Awareness: share new listings

This may be the least creative way to nurture a lead, but it’s certainly the most popular. Sharing your listing via email increases your chance of getting a dream home in front of a tentative buyer. Introduce your email with a simple greeting, include a beautiful picture of the listing, and then close the email with a sentence or two explaining why this new home is a “must-have.” Below the picture, include a small link to your website so they can click over to read the entire optimized listing

Educate: provide local real estate market reports

After watching investments plummet during the 2008 financial crisis, buyers are taking every precaution necessary before investing in real estate. Since you know your real estate community better than anyone else, give your buyer useful information concerning the local market. You can easily compile data using major listing sites like Trulia and Zillow, and then supplement it with your own educated predictions or sales numbers. A simple report and a few graphs may be enough to help tentative buyers ready to invest again.

Build trust: share testimonials about your service

Amidst the complicated process of regulations, offers, contracts, payments, and paperwork, buyers and sellers want to work with someone they can trust. Share client testimonials to build trust long before you spend a Saturday driving from house to house with a lead.

Show Expertise: provide free real estate resources

Since your average consumer partakes in a real estate transaction rather infrequently, use your email campaign to provide useful resources to your leads. Whether you have a great ebook, a checklist for every buyer or seller, or a blog post detailing what to look for in a real estate agent, using a email to show your expertise is an easy way to build trust and move your lead closer to a conversion.

Maintain Relationships: If it’s been awhile, just say hi!

In the hustle and bustle of everyday agent life, it’s easy to lose contact with old leads. Pick a few of your old email leads and inquire as to their level of interest. Keep it informal in the greeting, but be straightforward with your message. Are they still looking to buy? Finish by reminding them why they trusted you in the first place.

Extra Tips

As with any sales process, there is a fine line between helping and annoying your leads. Use the following tips to maximizes your results:

  • Don’t flood inboxes: it’s important to send enough emails to stay fresh in your leads’ minds, but not too many to cause a nuisance.
  • Use enticing subject lines: if they don’t like your title, they probably won’t click on your email.
  • Be personal: address the email recipient by name to establish rapport. No one likes being treated impersonally.
  • Include links to your website: traffic to your website should be the ultimate goal, so make sure site links are easy and accessible.

More ways to nurture leads

Email marketing is just one aspect of an effective marketing campaign. You still need to optimize your keywords, incorporate social media, start a blog, and run analytics tools… seems a bit overwhelming, right? It doesn’t have to be! With our fresh new ebook, the Beginner’s Guide to Inbound Marketing for Real Estate Agents, you’ll learn all the best tools to make your website into a conversion machine. Download this free resource today!