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[Infographic] How long does it take to optimize a website?

Written by Remington Begg | August 7, 2012 at 12:10 PM

Great Question! Before we can answer that we need to talk about the steps needed to optimize a single page on your website (let's start with the homepage).

  1. Create content that addresses your target audience and do it better than your BEST competitor.
    • Does your page have more content than your competitors page?
    • Find out by typing the "target keyword" into google.
    • Look at the top 5 results and make sure your content is better, and you have more content than the best competitor.
  2. Write at least 300-500 words Content. Insert your Keyword at least 3 times in the body of your content. (or at least 2 times ever 3 paragraphs)
  3. Write your Keyword phrase as the primary focus of your title tag, and h1 tag.
  4. Write your meta-description tag as "ad copy" so that people searching in google "want" to click your page. Make it Catchy and Stand Out!
  5. Link to your page from other pages within your website. (ie: make sure if you reference a service like website design in your page or post, you make a hyper link to it)
    • Make sure that the anchor text to the page is the keyword you're targeting and not "click here".
    • Make sure that you only link from other pages on your site that are relevant. You don't need to have all your links pointing to all the other links on your site.
  6. Go out and find 10 other websites that will link to your page you are working on (not just your website's homepage) and use those keywords, or other versions of those keywords as anchor text to link back to your site.

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SO, How long did that take to make your website optimized or SEO friendly? If you're experienced, and this isn't your first page to optimize, here's about how long it will take.

  1. Competitor Research Phase: 20-25 minutes
  2. Writing Content: 90-120 minutes
  3. Work on Keyword Density and title tags: 10-15 minutes
  4. Work on your Description Copy: 15-20 minutes
  5. Linking to other pages internally: 20-30 minutes
  6. External Link Building (off-site seo): 150 minutes

Total Time: 305 minutes (5 hours) - 360 minutes (6 hours) Per Page.

So how long does it take for a whole website? 5-6 hours per page x _____ (How many pages on your website.