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13 Marketing Activities to make 2013 a Success (part 1)

Written by Remington Begg | January 4, 2013 at 3:50 PM

The Beginning of the year brings a great time to start thinking about ways to improve or grow your business. Whether you're a Sales Rep, or a CEO there have been some major technological changes, and there are things that, as a marketer, you can no longer ignore. Here's a list of things we think the Savvy Marketer needs to pay attention to over the next year.

Have some more to add to the list, please continue the discussion in the comments!

1. Set up SMART Marketing Goals

  • Specific: Make your Marketing goals specific, perhaps your goals are based on traffic, leads, or customers. You could have specific goals that touch on all three, but you need to be able to track that data. Check out Hubspot if you're interested in tracking your marketing well.
  • Measurable: Your Marketing goals need to be able to be measurable. If they're not measurable you won't be able to know if you met/surpassed your goals. Tracking your goals is a must!
  • Attainable: Don't Make your goals seem out of reach, Some people recommend to "set the bar high", I'm more of an advocate for realistic goals. Those will keep you motivated in order to continue your progress.
  • Realistic: Are your Goals even possible? Remember, if your goal is to get more double the number of leads to your website, you're probably going to work on getting double the traffic first. Being realistic is going to ensure that you are on track and making improvements towards your goals
  • Timebound: Don't just have open ended goals, (ie: I want to double my traffic...) Put a (Realistic) timeframe on when you expect to be able to accomplish your goals. Maybe it's by the end of Q1, or even by the end of the month. Just make sure your goals are realistic and have a deadline and you're on the right track to completing them.

2. Have a Strong Website

2012 saw some major changes to google search algorithims. The Panda & Penguin updates created quite a stir, resulting in many people's websites losing their rank, and many even getting blacklisted. It's more important than ever to have a strong website to be the foundation of your marketing initiatives. Your website should contain original content relating to your industry, effective calls-to-action, and contain an informative blog to help you cater more qualified leads.

3. Start Engaging Social Media

Social Media isn't just about having facebook, twitter, or linked in page. It's about engaging your prospects & contacts and listening for opportunities to become a resource (ie: answering questions, interacting & participating in discussions, etc) make sure you have a consistent look across all of your social networks to reinforce your branding for your company. Target certain posts to the networks that would have relevant prospects. (ie: linkedin - B2B audience, Facebook, Twitter - B2B & B2C audience)

4. Request Reviews from your Customers Systematically

All to often we only ask for reviews when something bad happened on google local pages (or other online review sites). Requesting reviews from your clients should be a proactive activity to help you build trust rather than a reactive response to a bad review. Make asking for a review part of the work order, you'd be surprised that if you have a happy customer how excited they would be to say a few good words.

5. Use a CRM to keep track of your prospects

What is a CRM? (Customer Relationship Management) A CRM should help you manage your existing clients, and also allows for notes, order history, and any other data you need on a client. AND if you have a multi-person team it allows for all members of your team to be on the same page. Many CRM's also offer lead management as well to help you automate your lead follow up. Two Great Solutions as a CRM is Nimble & Nutshell, both allow you to keep track of customer communications and leads too!

6. Start Sending Thank You Cards

Nowadays with the world of technology an email is so commonplace it doesn't stand out. If you get a new client on board, send them a thank you showing your appreciation, this will reinforce your position and separate you from your competition. If you get a Referral from a client send a gift! A great way to make the whole "thank you card" process easier is using a service like SendOutCards (referral link) Send a Free Card and try it out!

7. Start Blogging Weekly

Have you ever heard the phrase "Content is King"? With the recent changes Google's made as mentioned above, it is more important then ever to have quality content. By crafting your content and updating frequently on a blog you will become and influencer on a certain topic. Don't forget to have a strategy too. A blog can easily be a "Search Engine Magnet" to help you rank for those super important keywords. Start answering FAQ's in depth, record a video explaining a common "pain point" in your industry, or even make an info graphic discussing details about your process. Don't be afraid to share specifics on your industry, if it's coming from you you'll position yourself as an expert.

photo credit: El coleccionista de instantes via photopin cc
Remington is the Lead Designer and Marketing Strategist for Impulse Creative, An Internet Marketing Agency in Fort Myers, Florida. You can connect with him using the following social networks: Google+, Twitter, Linked In & Facebook