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Super Bowl Commercials vs Inbound Marketing - More Alike Than You Know

Written by Remington Begg | February 4, 2013 at 12:00 PM

Marketers are up against a growing fight... Today's consumers are getting better than ever at blocking out advertisements. From simply ignoring road-side billboards, fast forwarding through TV commercials,  to registering on the FTC's Do No Call List, we don't want to be interrupted by advertisements. Especially when it's not something we're interested in. 76% of People Think Advertising Is Exaggerated and that's if they tolerate even watching. 364 days a year people pro-actively block these advertisements. Why, because we're being sold to and we don't like being interupted... An Immedate wall goes up because people don't want to be sold to. That leaves 1 day a year where something crazy happens....

Super Bowl Commercials

Consumers get excited about the Commercials during Super Bowl. They even vote for their favorite commercials, so what is it that vastly changes consumer behavior 1/365th of the time? Advertisers STOP Selling as the primary function in their ads, and suddenly through creativity they entertain, engage, and promote social sharing of their commercials. While the cost of the ads are astronomical ($3,800,000 per 30 second spot in 2013) the consumers are excited to watch them, and actually record them on the DVR rather than fast-forwarding through them. Not only are they watched, they're voted for, discussed, and I'm willing to bet that they will get as much Newscast follow up as the actual game itself.

I read a great post a while ago "The Marketing Power of Super Bowl ads could happen any given Sunday", and while reading this, it got me thinking. Not only would it promote creativity year round (as the article mentions), it would also revolutionize the way that marketers advertise. This concept is starting to sound very familiar to a marketing methodology that is very effective for our clients....

Inbound Marketing

For those that don't know, Inbound Marketing is a methodology of marketing that focuses on earning people attention rather than interrupting them. The methodology is based on the inbound marketing sales funnel as a way to leverage consumers whilst they are looking for your product or service. And by providing adequate calls to action the prospect will self qualify themselves as a lead. To learn more about Inbound Marketing, Click Here

5 Things Super Bowl Ads and Inbound Marketing have in Common

  1. Both Contain Compelling Content
  2. Businesses Promote it on Social Networks to drive traffic
  3. Selling is not the Primary focus for the content
  4. Both are intended to Create a Buzz
  5. Consumers share it because it's intertaining or interesting

Can you think of any more reasons they're alike? Let us know in the comments!



photo credit: Budweiser Superbowl 2012 Commercial

Remington is the CEO and Inbound Marketing Strategist for Impulse Creative, An Internet Marketing Agency in Fort Myers, Florida. You can connect with him using the following social networks: Google+, Twitter, Linked In & Facebook