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TUTORIAL: Chatbot Landing Page & Automatic Drift Email Marketing Sequence

Written by Remington Begg | March 19, 2018 at 10:12 PM

Video Transcript:

Welcome to another drift tutorial, I'm Remington Begg from Impulse Creative, and I'm here to show you how to create an entire lead nurturing sequence from a Drift Chat Playbook all the way to a Direct Email Marketing Playbook. This will allow for you to capture someone's contact information via the chatbot and nurture them into a sales conversation.

The best part about this is there is an entire tutorial, and setting up this entire lead nurturing sequence can be done in under five minutes. So we're going to go ahead and jump in and I'm going to show you how to make this work for your business.

All right, so as you can see on the screen, I have a blog up about conversational marketing. It's a pretty long blog and there's some various calls to action throughout, throughout the blog.

But as you scroll down, one of the things that we wanted to do, and this is happening a lot with pillar content, is we want to make it so that these larger content pages have different opportunities to convert. You know, we're still a marketer, we still want to get that lead information. We still want to show our worth.

What we need to do is figure out how we can create a meaningful and authentic experience, but then at the same time, still have some opportunities for conversions. Drift makes that really easy. In this example, we have our blog hosted on hubspot. We've gone ahead and written a blog that's getting some considerable traffic. Now what we're doing is we're going back in and we're going to add in some other CPA's in order to drive some traffic to adrift link, they would pop up a chat bot without taking the user to another landing page or anything like that.

On the screen, and you'll see we've got this call to action, for the conversational marketing template. When we click that, that will go ahead and launch the wayfinder bought, which is our drifts chat bot at impulse creative. And you can see this is where the conversation has started. So for this example, we're just looking for, you know, two questions and so we can go ahead and fill this out and this is going to ask for the name and it's going to ask for their email.

Once they go through and they fill this out, we haven't set that on the set goal in drift for that chat, the Chatbot playbook, you'll be able to see that list. So when we look at how to structure this whole thing up, it's really focused around this. You've got your drift chatbook playbook that you're going to build out and I can show you a template on how to, how to make all that work.

You have to create a drift, the dynamic segment of your contacts, which is a lot easier than it sounds. And from there that is going to trigger a drift marketing email playbook that will allow for you to set up the automation. So we're gonna be spending a lot of time in the drift marketing email playbook today, but I am also going to be showing you how to create that drift dynamic.

Second. So when we look at your overall playbooks, there's a couple things to consider. Once you have the first playbook, the chat playbook set up. I'm ready with the goal, it should be to give an email. We can talk about that in another tutorial. Once you have that, that playbook created, what you need to do is create the dynamic segment and to create the dynamic segment, what you're going to do is you're going to come over to your contacts tab and you're going to click add filter.

And you'll notice that you have playbooks. You've got properties and events. We're going to hang out in the playbooks tab right now. So when we click playbook, you're going to go down. And these example I'm going to show you is a brand new one that we have. It's a headline swipe file. You choose the playbook that you want. And what we want to do is we want to show that they reached the goal. When you choose reach goal, it will give you the options that are in the goals, in your actual chatbot, and you can click gave email, which is what we want, and of course you want was reached. When you add the filter, it shows you the contacts that are in the system and you can click save dynamic segment. This is where you need to name your segment. We use naming conventions that are very specific to the name of the offer so you can go ahead and do that by just, you know, just typing in whatever you need here. So this is for our headline swipe file

Create new segment and boom, you've got a headline swipe file, contacts and gave an email. Was reached in regarding the goal. So these are the contacts that are in the particular chatbook Chatbot playbook right now.

So now that we've built out a dynamic segment, now jump over to playbooks and we're going to create a new playbook and that playbook is going to be an email playbook. So I'm going to jump right into how to do this. One of the first things I want to show you is that you got to plan out how to build out these emails and in most other platforms you're going to be dealing with creating all your emails and then putting them into a workflow. And from there, you know, setting up the time delays of the drip system works quite a bit different.

So you've got to have all this planned out ahead of time. And in a lot of cases it's, it comes out to be much simpler. So at Impulse Creative, we take all of our email drips and we plan them out all in one document. So we have a day zero, day one, day five, day seven, day 29. And what we want to do is kind of plan out all that content. So when we're in this content, you'll see that we have, this is our headline swipe file, email drips, and our segments are typically five to six emails. But for the sake of this demo, I'm just gonna show you three. You don't have to watch me build this entire thing. So when we're in the Google doc, you'll see that we've got day zero, we've got our from email set set up, we've got our subject, and then we've got our message.

Best practice for us is all of our links would defined in this document, so it's easy to copy and paste, that makes it easier for you when you're actually implementing.

So now that we have all of our emails put together, we're going to go ahead and jump in and create a triggered email campaign. This triggered email campaign is not going to be a one time thing. It'll send initially when you create it, but it's also going to follow up and it's going to send emails whenever anyone is created in that dynamic segment that we just created a few minutes ago. Once you've created your built out chat playbook, the triggered email playbook, you're going to want to rename that right off the bat. 

And you've got the screen to compose the emails, you've got your building your audience, and then you have of course sending the emails. So I always like to go in and build my audience first. So when you click builds, your audience drifts, makes this super easy. You can choose your headline swipe file contacts. That's the segment. Do we just create it? You Click the little green arrow, and now what we have now we can do is you can add some other smart filters.

So if you're building a landing page, a nurturing sequence, it's probably not a good idea to make it so that it doesn't send to engage context because in the sales process they might be downloading some of these resources, but what you can do is you can break up this email nurturing so that you could add some of that some of that automation or some of that smart filters afterwards. 

And I can show you how to do that in another tutorial, but you can add in your tutorial or adding your filters here. You know, we're not looking to engage or stop any sales engaged contacts necessarily at the moment. We just want to make sure that we send them their, download the email when they request it. So we're going to go back to our email section. We are going to choose. I'm a big fan of simple texts, emails, but you can choose between a banner style, a message, a logo style, a message, and then of course a simple text. So it's a scroll down. This is the entire email dialogue for email one that would go out. And essentially this is the day zero email they would happen as soon as someone hits that segment goal list. So we're going to jump over to our day zero email here. You can see we have our thanks for downloading as our subject line. Going to go ahead and drop that into the subject line here. We can come over here to the message and we can highlight that's all. And we can drop that right into right into the message.

I'm a big fan of short and sweet emails when we're, when we're doing nurturing, people are busy already. Blessed and you want to do is throw more noise that them. So what we have done is I've got this ps, you can highlight it, drop it all your links that you want, press OK. And then what you're going to do is we have our coffee for click here to download on a, you know, if you can put in a call to action button, that's amazing. So drift makes that super easy. You can go ahead and drop in, insert and you can drop in a button and that button we have our title and then we would have the actual web address for the offer, so I forgot the web address in my template, but for the sake of this, we'll go ahead and just put it in our website so I can show you guys how it works.

So we go hit insert and you're going to see we've got the text, we've got the button, we've got are the rest of our message and that is the end of email one. The one you can choose your emails. This is going to show everyone who's on your team. What you can also do is set up multiple inboxes for drift and drift can actually be an inbound email, a tool for you to communicate with your with your people. So we have a hay at impulse creative, which is our general inbox for everybody. Go ahead and set that up as the forum and we'll change this to wayfinder bot.

All right, so now we got to set up our next email. A lot of times you'd save this in other platforms that go into other areas. With Drift, all you have to do is press this button and it will automatically ask you when you want your delay, it drops in from the same settings as what you had before. And this is where we can just drop in our day three email.

So that's it for the second email with our day three delay that you see up here. And then we're gonna add one more here and the next email for an additional three days. So this is three days after the previous email. What we're going to do is go in here. So our last email shows for day six and six is the total days. So what we want to do is the three days plus three more days. So this is coming from. Hey, Impulse Creative. Our subject line is ready for another guide. And if we drop in the email here and then we'd go to our content.

You'll see that we have bullet points set up, we've got our name, if you want to insert personalization, you can go ahead and do that. So we have our CTA there and then you can insert with this button personalization and you can scroll on down to first name or whatever you're using in that particular chatbot. So I'll search first name and you can put in a default value. We don't put default values for first name because "howdy" works by itself, but that's up to you and how you want to do things.
So now we have in under five minutes, we have email number one, email number two, which I've got to put the link in. And then we have email number three with a final follow-up. All of these emails will becoming from, hey {at} Impulse Creative. But if you ever wanted to shift in the nurturing emails to one of your sales reps or something like that, you can easily do that to enable them by just dropping down and clicking a different email. Once we have our email put together, any one of these, you can send a test email to show you what that looks like here.

You literally just click send test and it sends a test email to your account and you can preview the individual messages as well. This is going to show it to you on screen and then it's literally showing you the overall message and how it's going to work. Then you can also throw some other advanced options.

So smart sending would allow for them to send based on typical, a typical times that are going to show the highest open rates. This is something that can work really great for ongoing nurturing emails, in my opinion, is not great to do right off the bat. If someone downloaded your ebook guide and is expecting an email so you can choose to turn that on or off, I urge you to test it out and see what works best for your business.

So now that we've sent everything, we can pull up our email and we can look at the tests that we have and the cool thing is it comes through as a pretty authentic follow-up email. We'll go ahead and click that email here and you can say, Whoa, thanks for so much for downloading our guide. Here's the link to the download. Simply reply back. It's very simple email, but in my experience, a very effective one. All right, so once you like your preview text and like everything going, you can literally go on over to the send email queue. You can click this playbook is on and is going to give you the magic button and it's going to show you how many people it's going to send to you immediately when you press this button. But something else to note is that this section right here in the text on the second email is going to send a three people immediately, but then anyone who gets added to the segments automatically. That is the end of our tutorial. If you have any further questions or you want us to show you how to do something in drift, let us know. 

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