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How Not to Be Creepy When Using HubSpot's Smart Content

Written by Remington Begg | April 10, 2014 at 3:13 PM

Even if you’re brand new to the methodology behind inbound marketing, you’ve mostly likely heard of the term “smart content” as a tactic used for generating leads and driving traffic to your website. Used in connection with online marketing tools such as those developed by HubSpot, smart content is a way to customize the experience of a prospect who has found his or her way to your website. Smart content can be used in text, graphics, videos and other types of material that adjusts to the behaviors of the person interacting with it. Similar to how Amazon interacts with their website visitors, using smart content on a website offers customers a tailored encounter that’s relevant to what they would be interested in. The content shown is determined by the use of well-developed buyer personas or actions a user has taken on a site.

However, the drawback of smart content is that it can seem quite invasive to some people. They might find the experience too probing and even disturbing. You can take advantage of smart content tactics while still engaging the user if you take the time to understand how not to be creepy when using Hubspot’s smart content.

Get Their Permission First

Showing visitors smart content isn't nearly as unnerving when you've asked their permission and they know why certain material is being displayed. Most Internet users are happy to provide contact and demographic information if they know that it will only be used for their benefit and is ultimately valuable to them.

Maintain an Efficient Database

Smart content operates by identifying contacts based upon criteria that you've selected. Therefore, it's essential for you and your sales team to enter all relevant information, and make sure it appears in the right database fields. Otherwise, your customer relationship manager won't pick out the right candidates or will improperly apply filters. Make sure all data is accurate and keep it updated.

Avoid Smart Content Replication

Part of knowing how not to be creepy when using smart content is giving prospects what they want. No one wants to be forced to view material they've already seen, so steer clear of providing redundant articles, photos or videos. There's already enough clutter in many email inboxes as it is, so you don't want to be given the boot or marked as spam. If you repeat your message too often, you'll frustrate your potential customers and lose business.

Use Only Valuable Content

As mentioned above, prospects are likely to give contact information when they have expectations of receiving valuable information in return. Therefore, you need to provide smart content that's entertaining, educational, or informative. They don't want to be "marketed to," but they do find value in content that enriches their personal or professional lives or in some way eases their business pain. If the material you provide does not interest them, you're missing out on the opportunities offered by an already engaged audience.

Knowing how not to be creepy when using  smart content means you’ve struck a balance between offering relevant information to your visitors and provide them an encounter that is not overly intrusive. When you’re able to maintain the equilibrium, you’ll have access to a powerful tactic for your inbound marketing toolkit!