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How the Psychology of Colors Can Affect Your Brand’s Image

Written by Remington Begg | September 23, 2015 at 12:00 PM

The Psychology of Colors can be essentially boiled down to the belief that specific colors elicit certain emotions, causing various actions and/or reactions. Many business owners and marketers believe in the power of color psychology as an instrument to further their business goals. The power of color is undeniable, and the theory is so prevalent in marketing and society, that it must hold some sway.

Take a look around you and you’ll see its prevalence everywhere. What do McDonald’s, Burger King, Popeye’s, KFC, Pizza Hut, Arby’s, Chic-Fil-A, and Popeye’s all have in common? First, they are the major fast food chains around the country. They also all have red logos. So why do fast food chains have red logos while Bank of America, CitiBank, and Capital One all have blue logos? To find out why, we have to analyze the emotions associated

when seeing certain colors. So, if you want to appear:

Energetic and Exciting

Choose: Red

When seeing red, we are encouraged into action and become energized. With hunger being one of our base physical needs, it’s easy to see why this is a primary color used to advertise food and energy products- think of Coca-Cola and Slim 

Fast. Even if the color isn’t right for your actual brand logo, red is one of the most effective colors for creating CTA’s (Calls to Action buttons) when attempting to increase clicks. Many studies have proven the effectiveness of red buttons, citing the fact that its draws the viewer’s attention to it because our brain associated red with danger or to stop.

Trustworthy and Logistical

Choose: Blue

This color instills a sense of serenity, and honesty. Blue puts us at ease and lets us rest assured that we made the correct decision, which is why many banks and financial institutions use it. From a color psychology perspective, blue is reliable and responsible.

When considering the analysis for a red logo, it is easy to guess why a red and blue color combination is so popular. When you see a Domino’s Pizza sign with these colors, your brain is supposed to subliminally say, “Hey, eat here now because you’re hungry and require energy (red), Trust us, we know what you need (blue).”

Happy and Youthful

Choose: Yellow

We perceive the sun as yellow, and therefore it can be associated with a source of life and rejuvenation. A shining example of this is Walmart’s simple yellow smiley face logo. It’s clearly there to say “Walmart will make you smile!’ Many communications and technology companies incorporate yellow into their design to show off their youthfulness. Yellow is best used in conjunction with another color, and even then, often only as a supportive tone.

Environmentally-Friendly and Healthy

Choose: Green

When you think of brands like Whole Foods, Publix, BP, and Starbucks, you’ll realize that they all heavily use the color green. These brands are implying their health value (Whole Foods) and their commitment to the environment (BP). It’s noticeable that many companies, like Subway, have green logos that also incorporate yellow, as if to say “ We’re healthy and fun!”

Luxurious and Professional

Choose: Black

When used effectively, black gives off a feeling of credibility, elegance, and even exclusivity. Think of Apple’s brand image, the ultimate in exclusivity in technology. Other notable examples include several high-end fashion designers, like Chanel, Gucci, and Yves Saint Laurent. Black implies discipline, independence and a strong will. It gives an impression of authority and power.

Fun and Modern

Choose: Orange

For the best example of the color orange, look no further than Impulse Creative! The color psychology of orange is fun, rejuvenating our spirit. In fact, orange is so optimistic and uplifting that Team Impulse all try to find ways to use it in our everyday work life, even if it is just an orange dry erase marker to take notes. But we aren’t the only ones who use it; many tech companies show off their success and confidence with orange. HubSpot and Amazon are great examples of this.

The use of color in your marketing is just one of the numerous tactics you need to consider to execute inbound marketing. If you are interested in a refreshing new look for your company or an evaluation of your current brand, we can help! Get a free assessment or download our handy marketing toolkit below.