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How to Convert More Customers With Video

Written by Remington Begg | September 12, 2018 at 8:31 PM

Show Your Brand Story

Showing what you have to offer in video format is becoming more of a norm in the world of the internet. People have become more visually engaged and want results much more quickly, which is why video is taking over marketing and advertising. People would rather click on a quick video that showcases highlights of a service and or product, than read an article with a few pictures.

Does this mean reading as a form of marketing is obsolete? Of course not. Well, not yet at least. But if you’re not on the video bandwagon by now, then you my friend are way behind in the marketing game and seriously limiting yourself. In this blog, I share some tips for those new to using video as a marketing tool.

The stats out there already say that by 2021 over 80% of the internet traffic will be video. This should not be a shock to you. Social networks are evolving to feature more video-heavy content and brands are following. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat all have their own unique video features.

Video is the way of the future. People want to see what you have to offer, so show it to them, with video!

Go Live with Streams!

Lots of different social media sites are offering some type of live streaming services for free because, over the years, live streaming has become more and more popular.

The great thing about streaming is that anyone can do it, it's pretty simple to do and doesn’t require that much technical tinkering. From personal bloggers to professionals, just about everyone can benefit from social media’s live streaming services. Believe it or not, going live can convert potential clients into customers. There’s something about the genuine interaction that appeals to viewers as opposed to a generic video or a email.

So, the next time you want to share a big event or give away, I suggest doing it with live stream. Facebook or YouTube are both easy services to use.

Use Creative Thumbnails

It would be a damn shame if you had a really great video that no one is clicking because your thumbnail is boring. Customize your video thumbnails!

This trick is nothing new: the cooler and more visually appealing the thumbnail is for a video, the more likely someone is going to click it. Simple concept. Some youtubers use what we call a bait thumbnail to lure people into clicking on their video just to find out that thumbnail has zero to do with what the video was showing. Effective for views but I wouldn't recommend it.  

Usually bold text with bright colors will do the job. If you have the Photoshop skills to do more, go for it. By having a creative advantage edge in making thumbnails, you’ll have a better chance of customers clicking on your video.

More Videos on More Pages

Keep milling those videos and don’t limit yourself to just one video that explains everything about you and your product. Regularly place videos on as many pages of your site as possible, home page, call to action, everywhere!

Let’s not forget, of course, about social media sites as well. Adding a video on those, with a link leading back to your website, will help your traffic tremendously. If you’re using YouTube, the most powerful strategy you can use is keywords. Adding keywords related to your message can help your video come up more frequently in searches. Yes, this requires some research on what words are used most when searching for your topic. But in the long run, it’s well worth it to advantage of YouTube’s keyword feature.

The more pages you have with videos on them, the more likely your audience is to find something that will convert them into a long-term customer. It’s all in the math folks, more videos=more chances of converting customers. Every video you create is a step closer to reaching a higher new and returning customer goal. So keep them coming. Which brings us to our final but important step:

Keep the Videos Short and Sweet

Consider how long your video needs to be. If it’s part of a CTA (call to action) page, then it shouldn’t be too long. However, if you’re introducing a product or service, the entire shtick shouldn’t take more than five minutes in total time. But keep in mind that videos two minutes or less are ideal for viewers. So if you have to, split your topic into multiple videos.

If possible, shoot for a few 30 second videos. Shorter videos are known to engage with the audience and convert more than longer, traditional videos longer than five minutes. We’re all guilty of having short attention spans, so keep your videos as short as possible.

Remember to deliver your message subtly, without being pushy. It's all about the delivery. Nothing will drive away customers quicker than a video that just forces a product onto a viewer. Quick to the point highlights will also help you get your message across more efficiently.

That’s a Wrap

Videos can be your ultimate marketing weapon if used correctly. On the other hand, a video of poor quality will be more harmful than helpful. So, if you don’t have the skills to edit and shoot something, I advise you to hire someone that can.

But don't let a lack of experience or equipment that discourage you from trying! I've seen great videos out there created with a cellphone! You don't need a big movie budget to make something great.

Use these basic concepts and whatever tools you have available to start making videos the perfect conversion tool for your business, no matter what you do.