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The Top 5 Deadliest Facebook Marketing Mistakes

Written by Remington Begg | January 22, 2016 at 1:00 PM

When it comes to social media, Facebook is still the champ. Therefore, your social media strategy can’t leave out such a big player. For many users, your company’s persona on Facebook is all they know about your brand. Your posts that scroll through their feed are the factor that will affect whether they decide to make a purchase or not. That puts quite a bit of pressure on your Facebook marketing!

It doesn’t have to be difficult to reach, entertain, inform, and convert your Facebook followers though. Whatever you do, learn from others and stay away from these five grave mistakes:

#1 Too Much Self Promotion

This may be a little counterintuitive at first. How can you self promote on Facebook too often? Your social media postings aren’t really about you, they’re about what you can do them. Essentially, you need to show them why they should value you. If your page comes off as too commercial-like, you will quickly sees your Likes dry up.

#2 You’re Only Worried About Likes

Yes, getting Likes for your post is important. The more Likes you earn means your message reaches more people, but your primary focus should be winning brand advocates that eventually convert. We saw a lot of this mistake recently with the powerball hype, companies promised to share their potential winnings for a Like on the photo of the ticket. Sure, you may get people who want to win the lottery, but are you getting people interested in your company?

#3 You’re Too Wordy

Facebook isn’t as strict as Twitter, but your Facebook followers don’t necessarily want an essay for each of your posts. In fact, if you keep your posts under 250 characters, you’ll receive much better engagement. That means more Likes and even more shares, especially if you can keep your posts to closer to 80 characters each.

#4 You’re Confusing Your Followers

You don’t need every post to be about your company or even your industry, but make sure you aren’t straying too far either. Failing to align your posts with your brand’s image and usual tone of voice might confuse your audience. Offer variety but don’t go out of context. You can celebrate holidays and tie in on major events happening across the world by newsjacking and bringing them into your message, but make sure it matches what your buyer personas would consider valuable.

#5 Your Brand Profile Page is Incomplete

Remember, your Facebook profile page is about more than just fun- it’s about marketing. Your page is the first point of contact with your audience, so make a good first impression! It is important that you provide as much information as possible on this page, like hours of you’re open, address, contact details, website URL, and whatever you find important for your visitors to know.

Handling Facebook for a business is not the same as running your own personal Facebook page. When you consider Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and all the other emerging social media platforms, it can become pretty confusing, pretty quickly. Don’t worry! Download our free eBook Mastering Social Media for Business and you’ll know exactly how to create and manage your company’s accounts professionally.