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6 Reasons to Incorporate Video into your SEO for 2014

Written by Rachel Begg | December 30, 2013 at 4:00 PM

As 2013 draws to a close, business owners are gearing up for next year and setting goals for 2014. Part of the strategy should include analyzing the latest in advertising trends, and figuring out how to harness the strengths of inbound marketing. The most recent indicators suggest that incorporating video in SEO for 2014 increases your opportunities for success in a marketing strategy, driving more traffic that can convert leads into sales. Here are a few specifics on why you should embrace video technology into your campaign.

1. Make Google Page One.

You increase the chances of your content appearing at the top of the Google hit list by over 50 times when you utilize video in your blogs, social media and your website. You're probably already aware that very few users ever click through to the second page when searching for certain terms, so incorporating video in SEO for 2014 can help you capture the pole position on this search engine giant.

2. Users Love Video.

A great majority of Internet users in the U.S. watched online videos regularly in 2012. The figures for 2013 are certain to be even higher, possibly up to 80-90%. This is an enormous audience who's waiting to hear your message, and you cannot rely upon text-only content on social media and blogs to capture their attention.

3. Silver Medal for YouTube.

Next to Google, YouTube is the Number Two search engine in the world. While your video content will reach higher on the results list on Google, keep in mind that some users are going directly to YouTube when searching for content.

4. Higher Click-through Rate.

As compared to text-only content posted on social media, blogs and press releases, your video will boast a 41% higher click- through rate. No matter how much time and money is invested in your content, it only drives traffic if your potential customers are seeing it.

5. When Humans Talk, People Listen.

The human voice is better at conveying useful information that makes people pay attention. Unlike reading, they don’t have to work for it. This is especially true if your product or service is more complex, as video demonstrations are enormously successful at getting your message across to customers.

6. Attract Attention Through Movement.

People are drawn to movement in general, as opposed to static images. Think of what you do to get someone's attention: wave your hands or other visual stimulus. The concept is the same for video content online.

These are just a few of the reasons why incorporating video in SEO for 2014 is a smart move to maximize your online presence and earn the attention of Internet users. While you may have had success in 2013 by blogging, posting to social media and making updates to your website, the world of online marketing continues to evolve. To stay in the game, you need to take on the latest in advertising trends by putting your company on the small screen.