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How A Custom HubSpot CallRail Integration Can Improve Lead Attribution

by Article by Remington Begg Remington Begg | July 1, 2021 at 7:30 AM

Picture this… Your company has an incredible inbound strategy. 

Your blog content and premium content landing pages are dynamite and have a crazy view to new contact rate. 

Your social media game is on point and those LinkedIn posts are leading to demo requests left and right. 

The point is, your marketing department is absolutely crushing it.

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Another bonus is that your sales phone line is ringing off the hook with organic and paid leads. Savvy marketer that you are, you invested in call tracking software months ago, so when it’s time to build your monthly report, you check on the lead attribution data in CallRail… but you find that you have to export it and pair it with your HubSpot source data to really understand what’s happening. You throw it all in an Excel Sheet with some pivot tables and call it a day. 

The big problem you’ve run into is that you can’t see all of your call attribution data HubSpot and use it for more in-depth reporting or automation. How great would it be if you could?! The CallRail HubSpot integration is an amazing way to track inbound calls, but it doesn’t quite close the loop on campaign attribution or give you a way to build actionable insights to report to your CMO  when they’re trying to make decisions on budget and where to allocate lead gen spend. 

Does this sound like you? If so, keep reading. We’re going to break down the data that exists between HubSpot and CallRail and give you step-by-step instructions on how to get your marketing attribution data humming in HubSpot like a well-oiled machine — all with Zapier. 

What CallRail Data Looks Like in HubSpot 

As things stand with the CallRail integration, HubSpot provides Original Source and Original source drill-down 1 data on the contact record.

So, you are able to identify these CallRail leads, but here’s the thing — attributing them to CallRail isn’t the fix. 

CallRail is just the avenue, or as we fondly refer to as the Medium, that a particular group of leads used to reach you via phone call. So, you need this data. You just need it structured in a different way than what’s traditionally provided. 

Still with us? Okay — Let’s talk about the data you need from CallRail.  

The Data You Need from CallRail 

In CallRail, this is a snapshot of some of the data you have access to. What you need from here is a Source, Campaign, and Medium. 

When you expect phone calls as part of your inbound strategy, you need to be able to identify the sources and the campaigns that helped bring that phone call to you. 

Now, it’s just a matter of building the structure in HubSpot so this data can have a place to live. 

Ready? You totally are — Let’s do this! 

What You Need to Do in HubSpot

In order for all of this data to flow nicely and successfully find its way into a custom report, you need to create a few custom properties and workflows. We’re going to start with the custom properties. 

Custom Properties

This is where things can get complicated. These may seem repetitive and like they have the potential of overlapping; it’s because they absolutely do. When working with an integration that brings in new external data, you need it to have a common ground to flow with your native data. Once it’s all together, then you can start distributing and drilling down. 

Step 1: Create Contact Record Properties:

  • Original Lead Source
  • Medium
  • Drilldown 1
  • Drilldown 2
  • Search Engine 
  • Campaign
  • Keywords
  • CallRail UTM Source
  • CallRail UTM Campaign
  • CallRail UTM Medium

Step 2: Create Company Record Properties:

  • Original Company Source
  • Medium
  • Drilldown 1
  • Drilldown 2
  • Search Engine 
  • Campaign
  • Keywords

Setting Up the Zapier Integration

Something to know going into this process is that at the time this content is being written, a zap template to sync attribution data from CallRail to HubSpot doesn’t currently exist; meaning, you’ll have to map each field yourself. 

When creating the zap between CallRail and HubSpot, you need to make sure you’re using a phone number as the matching Object ID. Without an Object ID that will always exist in both systems, your zap won’t be able to function properly. 

In Zapier, you’ll need to map the following fields: 

  • CallRail’s “Source” field to HubSpot’s “CallRail UTM Source” field
  • CallRail’s “Campaign” field to HubSpot’s “CallRail UTM Campaign” field
  • CallRail’s “Medium” field to HubSpot’s “CallRail UTM Medium” field

Run the test in Zapier to make sure your zap works; once you’re good to go, flip the switch on for your workflow! 

If you need any help with this, drop us a line and we’ll be happy to help! 

Creating Your Workflows in HubSpot

In order to get all the right data flowing to all the right fields, you’ll need to re-reroute some of the native traffic insights that already exist in HubSpot to the new custom fields that you created. 

In HubSpot, your contact records capture your source and campaign data when it comes to your web traffic (but it’s broken out as drill-down data in HubSpot), so you’re going to want to create workflows to map this data in addition to your new CallRail data. 

For example, if you’re running a PPC campaign on Google Ads, you’ll want to map the following data via workflows: 

  • Copy “Original Source Type” to “Original Lead Source”
  • If Original Source Type is “PPC”, set Medium property to “Web Form”
  • Copy “Original source data 1” to “Campaign”
  • Copy “Original source data 2” to “Keywords”

With the CallRail data that you’ve now zapped into HubSpot, you’ll want to create the following workflows:

  • Copy “CallRail UTM Source” to “Original Lead Source”
  • Copy “CallRail UTM Campaign” to “Campaign”
  • If “CallRail UTM Source” is known, set “Medium” to “Phone Call”

You’re getting the idea. Your custom properties are going to help put all of your data in one place, so you’re going to need to create those workflows for all of our source data. If you need help with this part, just let us know. Our team would love to help you with this piece of the project too. It’s worth it; we promise. 

Building A Custom Report 

This is the part that can get, well, super custom. 

You’ve done all the heavy lifting with mapping your source data from both HubSpot and CallRail into your new custom properties; now, all that’s left is to use the Custom Reporting tool to pull in that newly consolidated lead source data to start getting actionable insights from all of our efforts — both organic and paid. 

In HubSpot’s Custom Report builder, select Contacts as the primary data source for the report and you’ll be well on your way. Think of it the same way you would as creating any other custom report. HubSpot’s own Knowledge Base article about building custom reports is a great place to start; you can check it out here

The beauty of this whole process is that once it’s complete, you no longer need to guess whether the majority of your PPC leads are coming more often from your webform or phone calls — you’ll have that data handy. 

Make All Of Your Campaigns Remarkable 

Being able to measure the ROI of your campaign should not be an afterthought. Tracking and lead attribution should be two components that are top of mind as you’re planning a new marketing campaign and gearing up to launch because ultimately, the results of that campaign or initiative can give you insights into where to place your marketing spend in the future. 

Lead attribution is just one piece of the puzzle, so when you’re ready for more insight on some best practices for launching a campaign, grab a copy of Launching and Measuring a Remarkable Campaign for free.