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Integrating Social Media Into Your Inbound Marketing Campaign

Written by Rachel Begg | December 6, 2015 at 10:00 PM

Incorporating a optimized social media presence into your inbound marketing campaign will help you gain and nurture your connections. An interesting tidbit about social media is that you can use it at any point in your strategy to attract, engage, or close potential clients. Integrating Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube to strengthen your reach and generate more marketing leads is essential. Leveraging social to increase your brand visibility and influence is key. Here are a few ideas to use your social media effectively:

Use Social Monitoring

Researching keywords and industry trends is always a good idea for any business. Keeping up with what potential customers are interested in or expressing problems about are positives to being active on social media. Facebook has an extensive system for identify what people are actually interested in which makes it perfect for engaging with visitors and leads. Alternatively, keeping up with industry trends via social media can be helpful when experiencing change in real time. Twitter is an especially good channel to monitor trends in real-time, as well as spotting unique opportunities to engage with followers. The world and everyone in it moves at an astounding pace. Utilizing social media to keep up is always a best practice.

Publish Content

Social media also provides a space for content to not only live, but to be shared instantly. Using different social platforms to broadcast shareable content should always be in your strategy. Through microblogging and visual representation, a company is able to show rich, personable, and educational subject matter in a way that fits with how their buyer personas receive information. For instance, Videohas become the go-to tool for content production. YouTube’s popularity has grown among businesses as a way to answer customers needs. As a result of using social tools, businesses are also able to establish themselves as a thought leader or expert through these posts. Along with original posts, social platforms also provide space to promote blogs, eBooks, or other shareable content. LinkedIn is a great example of this. Using it as a place to set up professional networks and engage visitors with thought-provoking and rich content helps tie in the publishing aspect.

Gather Data

Using social reporting, a business is able to refine their strategies and do competitor analysis. Performance metrics should be used to make sure efforts are being exerted in a way that yields high results. Gathering data also serves to support a campaign’s measurable goals. Calculating ROI can be done a few ways; Time spent, content consumption, and conversion rates that point to lead generation are just a few. Establishing benchmarks helps guide a company’s performance and compares it not only to previous campaigns, but also to its competitors. This can be very helpful when asserting your business as a leader in its industry. Growing social presence and following is essential and this requires consistency so companies should not only be publishing on a regular schedule, but also analyzing the outcomes of their efforts frequently.    

Using social media to amplify your inbound marketing campaigns should be a part of your company’s plan. Ready to deep dive into more about social media? Download our FREE eBook Social Media For Business to start leveraging social for your brand!