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The 6 HubSpot Reports You Knew Nothing About

Written by Dan Moyle | June 17, 2019 at 12:04 PM

One of HubSpot's greatest features may be one of its most under-served: HubSpot Reports. Do you know how many reports you have at your fingertips? Here's a hint: It's a lot.

Look, you already know that what gets measured gets improved. We've been beating that drum for a while.

So if you understand that measuring your marketing and sales efforts is critical to your business, are you following through? 

If you're a HubSpot user, do you know how to tap into the vast wealth of reports in your tool? And if you aren't a HubSpot user, here's your chance to see some of the great reports available.

1) Top Landing Pages by New Contacts

Landing pages can be great for lead generation. Get viewers to a valuable piece of content behind a form they're willing to interact with, and you have the beginning of a beautiful relationship. 

Here's the thing, though... not every landing page is created equally.

Do you know which of your landing pages lead to the most new contacts? That's an important metric.

And knowing the right questions to ask help you measure the metrics that matter.

This HubSpot report shows the top landing pages by number of new contacts created. It even figures out the view-to-contact rate - because, math.

So now you can, at a a glance, figure out which landing pages perform the best for the real metric you want to know at a top level: The number of new contacts they're generating. 

BONUS: There's also a report for Top Landing Pages by Customers for when you want to dive deep.

2) CMS Performance

A content management system (CMS) is vital to keeping your website organized, usable, and powerful in your marketing and sales processes.

How can you tell if your CMS manages your content well? With this report, now you can know.

This HubSpot report is a quick performance snapshot of the pages that live on your HubSpot CMS. It brings you insights like views, CTA views, CTA clicks, entrances and exits, and more.

Keep this on your dashboard for a quick reference.

3) Deal Forecast

Marketing and sales working together? Sure, when pigs fly!

No really... it can happen! Especially when both teams are transparent (and especially when they have an SLA in place!)

One step toward transparency and teamwork is measuring what matters, openly. 

You can add this standard report to a sales dashboard or a sales/marketing leadership dashboard to get an idea about pending or expected revenue.

This forecast report shows the amount of revenue for deals in each stage of a deal pipeline. The forecasted revenue is calculated by multiplying the deal amount by deal stage probability.

4) Sequence Reply and Meeting Rates

Here's a deep HubSpot reporting tool for anyone wanting to really nerd out 🤓 (especially nerdy leaders!).

The Sequence Reply and Meeting Rates report shows each sequence by how many contacts are enrolled and how they engage with each sequence.

Use this report to figure out which sequences are working best for your team, leading to the most meetings. 

After all, meetings = revenue for great sales professionals.

5) New Sales Processed Summary

With the HubSpot New Sales Processed Summary report, your team can see the total value of all new sales, and how they compare to last month.

Want to know how many contacts are associated to each deal or how many of your deals make up new sales? Then this is the HubSpot report is for you.

You can filter the report by date range, date property, deal filter, and more. This report is customizable for those who want to dig deep.

6) Abandoned Cart Recovery

If you have an ecommerce shop, you will at some point in time be dealing with customers who have abandoned their carts.

The HubSpot Abandoned Cart Recovery Report helps you see how many of those abandoned carts have been recovered.

A great sales and marketing strategy is to put in place an abandoned cart workflow that send two to three automated emails that help contacts reengage with products and services they can purchase from your store.

You can filter this report by time and then use the data you find to understand how well your abandoned cart campaigns are working. This report is customizable.

The Power of HubSpot Reports 

In your HubSpot Reports tool, you can sort by type (marketing, sales, service, ABM, etc.) so you can build the exact dashboards you need for growth. 

For some reason, the resources aren't there for these reports like they are for other parts of HubSpot. So if you didn't know about some of these, no worries. As the old NBC PSAs used to say, now you know. Or the more you know... you get the picture. 😀

Want to know more about HubSpot Reporting Features? 👈👈 Click or tap there.

If you have any questions about HubSpot training or onboarding, let us know. We also have one-on-one training for everything HubSpot from reports to blogging.