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What are Buyer Personas and Can Creating them Accelerate My Marketing?
“You gotta know your buyer!” That’s a statement we hear over and over again, to a point where it starts to lose its meaning. Well, obviously!
What a Child’s Nursery Rhyme Can Teach You About the Customer Buyer’s Journey Stages
What’s more frustrating than being pressured to “Buy, Buy, Buy!!”? If the very first thing a...
Brand Building Strategies to Attract Customers
Originally published in 2018, we've updated this post with new information and links for 2020. So...
The Real Metrics to Measure in Online Marketing
Your online marketing needs focus. Without it, you’re just “throwing it all out there” and hoping...
Uber Eats Has Arrived in Fort Myers, North Ft Myers & Cape Coral
3 Digital Marketing Trends in eCommerce to Look out for in 2016
It should come to no surprise that as technology changes and improves, digital marketers scramble...
Facebook’s New Hyper-Local Ads Allow You To Reach People Within A Mile
Facebook’s ad options just got a lot more targeted. Yesterday Facebook announced that businesses...
Give Your Customers Peace of Mind With a Secure Shopping Experience
The fact that more and more consumers are heading online to shop for goods and services provides an...
New LinkedIn Posts: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Today, on LinkedIn’s Blog they announced that they are opening their “Professional Publishing...
Top 9 Marketing Predictions for 2014
January 1 has come and gone, and many companies are looking to set sales goals and develop...
6 Reasons to Incorporate Video into your SEO for 2014
As 2013 draws to a close, business owners are gearing up for next year and setting goals for 2014....
4 Website Elements that Help Gaining Your Visitors’ Trust
Gaining your website visitors’ trust is the basis of the success of your internet marketing. Your...
Websites vs Trees: Close Cousins?
Did you know, the average U.S. Internet user views 2,750 web pages per month. 10.3 billion Google...
How we increased leads by over 1000% in 1 month!
Getting More Leads is one of the primary reasons that we have customers come to us. While...
13 Marketing Activities to make 2013 a Success (part 2)
For Part 1 of this servies click this link 13 Marketing Activities to make 2013 a Success (part 1)...
How to get rid of Bad Reviews on Social & Review Sites....
Have you ever heard this saying? "A Happy Customer will tell 1 person how great you are and a...
[Infographic] How long does it take to optimize a website?
Great Question! Before we can answer that we need to talk about the steps needed to optimize a...
Goodbye Google Places, Hello Google Local, Listing Optimization
It’s finally happened -- Google has integrated local business listings and maps into its social...