Rachel Begg

Websites vs Trees: Close Cousins?

Did you know, the average U.S. Internet user views 2,750 web pages per month. 10.3 billion Google searches are conducted every month. How many pages has your website? 5? 10? 50? If you answered 5, then you’re in good company. Most new websites start out as small tree saplings with as few as 5 little twig branches/pages, typically: home, about us, contact, products/services, pricing.

Advertising vs Marketing: Buying Process Has Changed, Has your Selling Process?

When onboarding new clients, we often ask our clients about what they do for marketing. Their...

How to get rid of Bad Reviews on Social & Review Sites....

Have you ever heard this saying? "A Happy Customer will tell 1 person how great you are and a...

The Future of SEO for your Website: Content Marketing

Google is notorious about being vague with its SEO guidelines but one thing is very clear: Google...
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