Rachel Begg

Don’t Ignore the Middle of the Marketing Funnel

Developing your online marketing strategy is a painstaking process, but it’s certainly less overwhelming if you think of it as a series of steps to maneuver your prospects through various stages in the marketing funnel. In a nutshell, the approach begins with attracting potential customers, then keeping them interested in your company and offerings by nurturing them until they’re ready to buy. However, it’s that middle phase between attracting and buying that causes the most frustration for businesses that lose their prospects in the mire. Don’t ignore the middle of the marketing funnel, and you’ll experience both increased sales and repeat business.

Facebook Changes Their News Feed AGAIN

Get ready because Facebook has decided to redesign our news feeds again! Before you freak out and...

What is Smart Content and Why it's Badass

Unless you’re an inbound marketing guru, you might be unfamiliar with the term “smart content.”...

Why Negative Comments are Good for Business

Inevitably, you’re going to receive a nasty customer comment on your business website or social...

Scandal's Olivia Pope's Guide to Building a Brand

In anticipation to the return of one of ABC’s hottest shows Scandal, coming back this Thursday on...

Best and Worst Times to Post on Social Media

It's no secret that Social Media plays a huge part in Inbound Marketing. However, do you know the...

Anatomy of a Gold Medal Blog

Imagine coming in first and winning that gold medal, or reading a blog and afterward you feel like...

Does your Logo Fumble or Win the Championship?

If your company’s logo was a team playing in the big game on Sunday, would it win? Have you...

How to Create the Most Striking, Memorable Web Design

Without good web design, your site is likely doomed to the back pages of the internet. If that...

Focus on Creative Content to Build a Highly Visible Web Presence

In part because of the fact that a staggering 93% of all online experiences begin with a trip to...

Top 9 Marketing Predictions for 2014

January 1 has come and gone, and many companies are looking to set sales goals and develop...

6 Reasons to Incorporate Video into your SEO for 2014

As 2013 draws to a close, business owners are gearing up for next year and setting goals for 2014....

Signs Your Website is Doing its Job or Needs Fine-Tuning

Is Your Website Naughty or Nice? Even if you’ve been a good business owner this year, your website...

5 Things you Need to Have a Complete LinkedIn Profile

For many of us LinkedIn, though not as massive as Facebook, is very important for the business and...

How to Create a Strategy for Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday can make or break a season for an online retailer. If your business has been down at...

Big Changes to Google+ and Your Personal Statement

Google has done it again! A new version of the Google+ cover photo layout was released this...

10 Social Media Marketing Tools Tips & Tricks to be Thankful for

Social media: There is a lot to know, right? It’s a big, new, complex social world out there. And...

Effective Branding Makes Your Customers Remember Like Elephants

Everyone knows that an elephant never forgets. They have a memory like a steel trap! After an...

Above the Fold is Out; Embrace the Future with Your Website Re-Design

The website for your brand is the new storefront. This is where people get their first impression...

The Vacuum Salesmen Pitch doesn't Work Anymore, and Why Sales People Need to Embrace Inbound Marketing

Gone are the days when you could go door to door to sell vacuums. How many people avoid opening the...

12 Things You Need to Know About your Brand

When you have a good sense of your brand it can guide your business. From the logo on your bags to...

3 Awesome Halloween Marketing Campaigns

Halloween is a great time for everyone to get into costume. This even holds true for business. As a...

How Landing Pages are like Burgers

Landing pages, also known as Lead Capture Pages, Splash Pages, or even Squeeze Pages, are a crucial...

Merge Inbound & Outbound Marketing to Drive Success

Ah – the sweet sound of wedding bells! But let’s back up a bit. If you have been following internet...

4 Website Elements that Help Gaining Your Visitors’ Trust

Gaining your website visitors’ trust is the basis of the success of your internet marketing. Your...
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